Retail dahlias at wholesale prices!
Dahlia Bouquet CSA - $100
What's included:
- Fresh dahlia bouquet each week
- 4 weeks
- Typically during the month of September
- Each bouquet will include 10-12 dahlias mixed from our 80+ varieties. Including bigger dahlias that we don't use in market bouquets.
- Sold at wholesale price. OUR BEST PRICE ON RETAIL DAHLIAS
Dahlia CSA: Fresh dahlia bouquet weekly for 4 weeks. Dahlias are the most beautiful flowers, and we grow a ton of them. Over 2000 will be planted in 2024. These bouquets are for dahlia fanatics. Twice the size of our normal market bouquets with 10-12 dahlias in each bouquet. Just dahlias with all the colors and sizes, including some huge dinnerplate dahlias that I don't normally incorporate in market bouquets. The ultimate splurge for flower lovers.
The dahlia CSA will start either late August or September 1st, pending spring/summer weather patterns.